Our service deals exclusively with the exchange of cryptocurrencies and is not responsible for the services, the wallets of which you indicate for replenishment of funds.

Exchange Сбербанк to Биткоин

The exchange rate will be updated in 60 seconds
Select the currency and enter the amount you want to exchange
Exchange rate: 1 BTC - 891.674 LTC
Filling out an application
Please enter your details carefully
Currency reserves
12.325 BTC
Replenish the reserve
1700 LTC
Replenish the reserve
64.016 ETH
Replenish the reserve
499024.593 XRP
Replenish the reserve
Tether ERC20
496114 USDT
Replenish the reserve
Tether TRC20
504897 USDT
Replenish the reserve
Tether BEP20 (USDT)
498902 USDT
Replenish the reserve
10955 SOL
Replenish the reserve

At the moment, there is no doubt that the availability and value of cryptocurrencies no longer seems to be a myth and nothing is easier than make a payment by transferring to a bank card or wallet at the moment, and you can also purchase or sell for rubles. In order not to ask questions on this topic, how long will it take to conduct transactions, how much will the provided services cost and how safe is it? using the service to make a deal.

You are given a choice of different types of directions operating at the exchange office, different cryptocurrencies, and a wide range of services offered will allow a number of operations to be carried out in a single system. almost any cryptocurrency in various ways. It is also very important that you can make transactions in no matter what day has changed to night.

It will not be difficult for you to exchange any cryptocurrency for money convenient for you and transfer your savings to Yandex, Money, Qiwi, Perfect Money USD, Wedmoney; You can easily spend your savings on the purchase of Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, Ethereum Zcash, Bitcoin Cash Ethereum, Dash and Ripple Cryptocurrency can be withdrawn to MasterCard and Visa cards of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian banks-Sberbank, Tinkoff, Privat24, VTB, Alfa-Bank

You will be able to avoid such an unpleasant procedure as multiple registration, confirmation of your personal data and other actions, to transfer cryptocurrency into real rubles, using our exchange offices, it is enough provide information about the card number of one or another of the above bank. In our exchangers, you will be pleasantly pleased low commission, favorable conditions, acceptable rate, fast transfer of funds from 5 minutes to half an hour. difficulties that have arisen, if they arise, which happens extremely rarely, you can always count on help technical support specialists.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in our exchangers, there are no limits and a fairly reliable money stock. You do not have to do a number of unnecessary actions to withdraw large amounts in one operation. For our cryptocurrency exchanger, it will not cause any difficulties.

Service services and how to use them:

You can use the exchanger right now. Simple and clear rules will help you easily register as it provides for the bonus program by filling in the fields with the necessary information.

Next steps: Select the currency that you would like to sell and make your choice of funds that are most suitable for you. You will not need to waste your time on calculations as our system will cope with this task with the maximum to your advantage, it is worth entering the amount for the sale or purchase.

Enter your details, namely: your e-meil, card number or your e-wallet. Then go to the command "Remember entered data". The last thing you have to do is enter the option "Exchange" and wait for the end of the transaction. Obviously, with our service, you don't have to worry about security and exchange speed at all. cryptocurrencies on very favorable terms, and also, we will save you from filling out the fields as you require a minimum information. You do not have to exhaust yourself with calculations, providing everything to our service. We guarantee you the safety of your savings, and we provide you with the opportunity to make sure of this.